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Key Menu, Toolbar, and Icon functions

Several menus, grids, and toolbars form the foundation for navigating and interacting with CXM. They will be referred to multiple times throughout our guides, so we need to be familiar with the terms before moving on.

The CXM Menu Bar

The Menu Bar is located at the top of every page in CXM. It gives immediate access to all major pages and features allowed for the logged-in User.

A user can click any of the text labels or down-arrows on the left side to open a sub-menu and select from the available options to navigate to another main page.

The buttons on the right allow for access to the User Profile, Help documentation, and several optional features.

The CXM Toolbar

There is a toolbar on each page that will give you easy access to important functions for that page. It is located directly above the Data Grid. The toolbar will contain different buttons depending on the page.

The toolbar shown above is from the Users page. It has two large buttons for the key features of the page and several smaller icons for interactions with the Data Grid on that page.

Make note of the Display Options icon on the far right. It looks like two rectangles. It allows each user to customize the fields and order of the fields in the Data Grid for each page.

On the left side of the Toolbar is a drop-down menu to select the number of rows of data (currently 10) to be shown in the Data Grid. You can change the default number on the User Profile page.

The CXM Data Grid

Most pages in CXM will have a Data Grid showing the results of a search or providing a list of Users, Stations, Agents, etc.

The Field Names shown at the top of the Data Grid can be clicked to order the data. The field currently being used for the sort order is highlighted. It also displays arrows to indicate if the order is ascending or descending.

The blank fields in the first row of the Data Grid are a Filter for the data contained in the grid. The exact functionality will change slightly depending on purpose of the current page. For example, when used on the Call Search page, it will filter the current page of search results to help locate a specific call. Or, when used on the Users page (shown in image above) it will be the primary search tool for locating Users. Regardless of the location, it provides multiple options to help quickly locate whatever data you need.

Need to locate all Users with a specific permission setting? Use the Display Options in the Toolbar to add the corresponding field to the Data Grid and then Filter by that field.

The CXM Action Bar

The Action Bar is home for anything that you want to do that affects one selected row in the Data Grid. The icons in the Action Bar will change depending on the page and specific User permissions.

To make things easy, most icons have a mouse-over tooltip. The tooltip that pops identifies the Action to be performed for the selected item. These icons are dynamic so not every user will see the same ones. They are enabled when the action is viable for the item and if the user’s permissions allow the action.

The + icon will always be used to expand the selected row and provide additional information about the item. For example, in the Call Search page (shown above) the + icon opens to show the Call Event Details and provide access to the Notes field. This Notes field is accessible and editable by all CXM Users that have permission to see the selected call in the search results.

The CXM Bulk Actions Bar

The Bulk Actions Bar is only available on select pages, but it is still important. It can be a helpful tool when you want to perform the same Action for multiple calls at once.

For example, you could play multiple calls in a row without opening and closing the audio player between each recording. This is your chance. Select the desired calls from the Data Grid and then click the Play Audio button from the Bulk Actions. Now, the calls are played back-to-back.

The Bucket icon lets you copy or move multiple recordings to your Call Buckets. Now, you will know where those records are and can easily find them any time without doing another search.

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