

Virtual Chief Security Officer

TeleComp’s vCSO Service manages a multi-faceted security strategy and governance program to help protect your organization’s sensitive data and capabilities. We will help guide development of the security program, manage the policies, procedures, and security controls the leadership team decides to implement. The vCSO brings together IT, Security, and Compliance to educate leadership on risk, threats, and business impact.



Works with organization to gather information needed for Risk Assessment, Policies, and Procedures

Reduces the amount of time employees need to spend on Compliance related tasks.

Perform Risk Assessment annually

The vCSO communicates the business impact of risks to the organization’s leadership team so they can make informed decisions.

Develop Policies and Procedures

The vCSO takes the results from the Risk Assessment and leadership team decisions to develop the necessary policies and procedures to meet compliance and cybersecurity requirements.

Manages Requirements of Compliance and Cybersecurity Standards

Our vCSO will document and track the requirements of the selected standards to ensure the organization stays on track to complete the necessary activities.

3rd Party Security Testing

vCSO services work with a 3rd Party to review Vulnerability Scans and Penetration Tests results, document, track issues, and report status to leadership.

Perform Physical Assessment

Onsite assessment of physical locations and identifies security risks to the location, access, personnel, and information technology assets.

Tabletop Testing

A vCSO will organize and lead a Disaster Recovery/Business Continuity and Incident Response Tabletop Test. Tests will include realistic scenarios, documentation of organization responses, adherence to Disaster Recovery/Business Continuity and Incident Response Plans, and provide a report of the results. Suggestions for changes to each plan will also be provided for leadership to consider.

Vendor Management Program

Our vCSO will also perform a Vendor Management review to identify service providers and vendors that are critical to the organization’s operations. 3rd Parties that have access to sensitive information or the organization’s network will be selected for additional review and documentation.

TeleComp Compliance Programs

Advanced Security Services

TeleComp offers everything you need to add essential security layers to your organization’s cybersecurity tools, including the identification of blind spots inside and outside of your network as well as testing existing security controls against potential cyber-attacks.



Compliance as a Service provides toolsets and guidance to help organizations meet the requirements of Cybersecurity standards. If your organization is facing challenges performing Risk Assessments, procedures, and tracking your progress, this solution could be your answer.


Virtual Chief Security Officer

TeleComp’s vCSO Service manages a multi-faceted security strategy and governance program to help protect your organization’s sensitive data and capabilities. The vCSO brings together IT, Security, and Compliance to educate leadership on risk, threats, and business impact.


How can TeleComp ensure your cybersecurity compliance?


Let’s chat about it. For a free consultation and evaluation, simply introduce yourself via the form. A member of our team will reach out shortly to setup an introductory call.

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